Day 1 ... July 16th
Bruce Trollope (Member 1520) was out of the blocks early. His first photo arrived at 09:49. Seems like he couldn't 'bear' to stay in bed.
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Day 1 ... Day 2 ... Day 3 ... Day 4 ... Day 5 ... Day 6 ... Day 7 ... Day 8 ... Day 9 ... Day 8 ... Day 10 ... Day 11
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- Our constitution declares that we should " of some good to the community".
- Our government declares that we should not leave home except for four specific reasons.
Put those two constraints together and they give us the freedom to make every Thursday in lock down Mokin' Your Day Day.
We have well over 100 Mokes garaged in the Melbourne / Mitchell area. Everybody loves Mokes. They make people smile. Let's get out - but not about - and show off our reason to smile.
- You drive, push, tow your Moke to the top of your driveway, or your front lawn, or the nature strip or the street and make sure it can be seen.
- You print any of the attached pages you like to stick on your windscreen.
- You add whatever other joys you wish to cheer the hearts of passers-by. Use your Mokreatvity.
You don't even have to be there, but do take a photo (hi res) and send it to the Trip Leader below. This is an official club trip every Thursday in lock down. If you send a photo you get an attendance point. Include your name and number.
- If you don't like the printing supplied, Mokreate your own, but please somehow include the slogan Mokin' Your Day.
- At the end of the day - or however long you can leave the Moke out - bring it in again. If it's dirty or dusty, that's great. Cleaning it will give you something to do before the next Thursday.
- If you aren't a Melbourne / Mitchell Mokee, feel free to put your Moke out in solidarity with those in lock down.
- If the top of your driveway is in the middle of nowhere, then save one of the four reasons for each Thursday and at least park your car with the signs on it while you shop for essentials or give care, or attend your medical appointment.
- If you have multiple Mokes ... what an opportunity!
This is the easiest club trip ever. Give it a go. You may never know, but it just might be as important to the way someone feels about their day as a teddy or rainbow was during last lock down. Even if only two people happen to come past, that's two potentially happier people going on their way.
It's every Thursday in lockdown.
Bring your Moke out, but not out and about.
You'll be Mokin' someone's day.
More details?
- Photos to Doug 0401 177 775 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Attachments are above.
- The PDF files are landscape.
- Check your printer settings before printing.
- If you have club plates and you take your car off your property fill out your log book.
(We have checked and you don't need to enter in your log book if you are just parking on the street.)
Who else was there?
Next came Max Pemberton (Member 1365) with 'Breezy'. Love the way he placed the signs.
His message was "Have a good day. Keep safe and stay well."
Graeme and Susan Deller (Member 1552) from Geelong, outside the restricted area, were "Supporting all members in lockdown.".
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What a great idea wrote Gordon Paterson (Member 1342) and his Moke joined the trip.
At the end of the day Gordon had proof that we were indeed using our Mokes ' be of some good to the community'. He wrote:
- "It worked out a great day. I had a few people stop and take a picture of my Moke."
Then there was Trevor Mitchell (Member 643). He was on Eastern Moke Time - a day late, no signs and more interested in his own problems than giving the neighbours a bit of a lift. But it gives me a lift every time I think of him trying to set his point spacing with a crow bar. The man's gotta get an attendance point 'cos he must have spent all of Thursday thinking this up.
Bruce (1520) couldn't bear staying in bed again. He had his Moke out at the letterbox before 8am. Wonder what the postie thought. Max (1365) tells us he had to sit on the front verandah with a shotgun to protect the dunny rolls.
Gordon (1342) got really brave and put his on the street. Actually he tells us that this is the second most exciting thing he has planned for this lock down week. Apparently the first is Christmas Dinner in July on Saturday with Gill, a roast chicken and all the trimmings. |
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Mr. President, Glenn Golds (Member 497L) took a Pink Panther Power approach to the day. Given the colour of his Moke, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles may have been appropriate too. Cowabunga!!
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Day 3 ... July 30th ... Christmas in July
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Gordon (1342) was first on the street this morning with a clear message to the locals.
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Yvonne & John Baldock (Members 1426) and the dog joined the fun with a different view: "Hi All Perhaps we can't take this many people,
Check the sign on the back bumper. |
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Mr President (497L) has really got the message. Even Percy the Pink Panther has his mask on.
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Max (1365) says he got lots of smiles when he left his Moke on display and went in for his oncology appointment.
He had lots of smiles when he returned too.
He was in such a rush to get to his appointment he had left the keys in the car. They were still there when he returned. Of course.
The world is full of good people.
Including Bruce (1520) and Lee and the kids who got that bear out again and ... oh wow!
Rhonda tells us that if you find our Facebook page you'll see other Mokees from all over who are getting into the act.
Mr President (497L) couldn't make this leg of the trip because he was in hospital yesterday for an op.
So, the Pink Panther isn't with us. Stay safe in your recovery Glenn.
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Bruce (1520) was having problems too. Seems he was bearly Mokin', but he did get it out of the garage and to the end of the drive.
Well done.
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David Yee (Member 10L), one of our 50-year members, had Mikky on Parade in Parkdale.
Our first little wheel Moke on this trip and the same vehicle he had when he joined the club.
But today Mikky had a special driver, who seems to be finding the concentration a tiny bit ted-ious.
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Thanks to Gordon (1342) you now have a very clear idea of 1·5 metres.
Even his mobile spare parts vehicle knows to keep its distance from the Moke.
The special sign on Max's Moke (1365) tells us that he was far more alert today than he was last week (see above).
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Phil Young (Member 1447) joined us for the first time with the permission of the True Owners.
They were all rugged up for Melbourne's icy blast, but fortunately that seems to have encouraged sunshine.
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Scott Williams (Member 1233) joined us for the first time today with Black Douglas.
Definitely looks like everyone is staying at home in his area.
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Scott (1233) was first out of the blocks today. He had Black Douglas outside work way before 09:00. |
Gordon (1342) says he might be running out of Mokreativity. I don't think so. |
Bruce (1520) may even be... ...bear-ter than last week. |
Glenn (497L), saved up the weekly essentials shopping until he could be Mokin' Your Day.
The first comment he heard from a passer-by was "Awesome!".
Graeme and Sue (1552) brought along a friend.
Buzz the Astronaut is modelling the ultimate in PPE.
Max thought Breezy was running out of ideas... ...but no! |
Gordon was on the job early this morning with a piece of wisdom. So easy. Piece of cake in fact!
Not the same over at Breezy's place. He was feeling poorly and couldn't get out of bed.
So Max (1365) had to head off to the hospital without him. But he still managed to raise a smile from the nurses.
Bruce (1520) and Ted E. Bear were not sure what the weather would bring.
Perhaps covering all bases was their in-tent-ion?
Max (1365) was on the road early today.
Was misery dogging Max's every move? or Was he just preventing it from hounding everyone else? |
Bruce (1520) has turned the whole show over to Ted and the kids today. |
Thanks for the wisdom Gordon (1342). For some people if Plan A doesn't work they have even more than 25 letters to use. |
Glenn Golds (Member 497L) was in the main street for essentials. A passer by commented: "Great ride mate, have a neighbor who just started a Moke rebuild." |
Then when he moved to the next appointment he still attacted attention: "Don't see many like that, bloody good job!" |
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Helen (1308) was out and about for essentials. She probably chanced on the best parking spot in the street.
Phil (1447) tells us "...yesterday was International Dog Day.
So today our dogs sat with our sad Moke, all wishing they could go for a celebratory drive!"
Peter Best is training the next generation of Mokees.
"Hey Grampa what happens if I pull this wire?"
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Peter (1066) lives in Bunyip and he so much wanted to support the mob in Melbourne that he set all this up on Wednesday while Grandson, Scooby and Koala were around, just in case the sun didn't shine on Thursday. Great effort Pete.
Good on ya' Max (1365). That's what it's all about. Us Mokees just simply putting our smile-makers out on the street where they can do their stuff. Great job with the posters this week. |
Graeme and Susan Deller (Member 1552) from Geelong were out in support again. Their message will hit home for everyone in Melbourne.
"Spring is in the air - the top is off, Beetle and Snake have come out of hibernation for the football finals
before heading to the beach for summer after the lockdown is done."
Bruce (1520) can't believe we're up to Day 8 of the trip.
"Amazing how time flies when you are having fun. A great day."
Looks like Ted E. Bear is giving Jim a run for his money. I always said you can get anything in a Moke!
Bob and Jude McMillan (220F) from Queensland joined in the fun to help rally the troops in Melbourne.
But they discovered they had to hide the Moke and take off the sign because people going past thought the car was for sale. |
Gordon (1342) has hunted out another piece of Nice touch. |
Glenn (497L) was definitely taking a Presidential approach to calming Percy today. "It's spring and flowers. Percy wants to go see a loved one... or someone... or anyone! Lockdown!!!" Stay cool Percy. It's nearly over. How would you like to sit in the driver's seat. |
Helen had a great story to tell on Facebook today.
That's what it's all about. Thanks Helen. |
Day 9 ... September 10th
Bruce (1520) got it in one!
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It sure is a bearutiful day for Mokin', even if this is as far as we are allowed to go.
Gordon (1342) is 1·5 metres deep in wisdom as usual.
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Jill & Allen (1194) went out for supplies.
Scruffy knew exactly where to park.
He did it all without cameras too. |
Helen (1308) had to take mum out to the chemist. |
But then ... OMG! ... No way! |
On Facebook, Rhonda (652L) was right on theme for the day.
Stay Strong and Eat Cake.
Then, after a hard day at the FB office she came home and started Mokin' her own day.
Looks like CabSav is going to be pretty spiffy for next week.
Day 10 ... September 17th
Tony Adamson (1298) from Wodonga was so quick out of the blocks in his support of his Melbourne mates,
that he set up this photo shoot last weekend. Thanks Tony.
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Max (1365) and Breezy were back with us today.
The bear was back too and he brought along a couple of cubs. ![]() |
Yvonne and John (1426) were with us again too. |
It wouldn't be Mokin' Your Day day without a bit of humour from Gordon (1342).
Glenn (497L) finally got his mask in the mail and just had to show it off.
Bread being an essential Helen (1308) had to take a drive to the local bakery.
Doug (2L) finally remembered that he does own a couple of Mokes and could join in the fun.
Riders of Tarralla Creek Trail beware.
You're not supposed to turn your head to read the signs while you are peddling past at 20kph.
Day 11 ... September 24th ... Lucky Last
A big thank you to Ted E. Bear for showing us how to live in lock down.
Hi Doug, We made it what a fantastic trip to be involved in. Thanks for the invite it was a lot of fun and I hope we gave some people a bit of a laugh Bruce Trollope 1520 |
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Gordon (1342): "Great fun and a wonderful trip."
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Thanks for looking up and displaying all the inspiring quotes for us Gordon.
Max (1365): "Thanks for a great and very successful trip."
Breezy was the first to put on a mask |
Gordon: "Max measured the distance from my Moke shed to the place where I park my Moke out the front. He used Google Earth. That distance is 47.43 metres. So, my average daily distance on the trip was 13.55 metres per day. That's 47.43 metres out plus 47.43 metres in, mutiplied by 11 trips, divided by the 77 days. Result? 13.55 metres per day. Yes, I do have too much time on my hands."
Graeme & Sue (1552): "Thanks for organising Mokin' Your Day. Have really enjoyed the seeing the photos each week."
Yvonne & John (1426) have asked the right question. |
Geoff Lont (1416) opened the garage door today and was met |
Glenn (497L) may have a problem with Percy. Percy told him he was waiting for a better day. We're just not sure what that means. At least the lid is still on the cab sav bottle. Probably a good idea if Glenn continues to pop in every couple of days for a bit longer just to ask "R U O K?"
Mokees are special people. A huge thank you to all the Mokees who were able come on this trip once, twice ... or eleven times. You did it for the community and discovered that being part of it was good for you too. Mokin' Your Day has raised the spirits of at least the 1000 people who have viewed this page and at least the same number more who have been following the Face Book version. A big thank you to Rhonda who has been organising FB. Whatever the circumstances that determine how we travel from here we know we can do it - and if momentarily we doubt that, we can always come back to this page to give ourselves a lift. Keep on Mokin' Doug 2L |